Where have I been? My travel map

I’m often asked where in the world I’ve been to. Here they are in map form, broken down by regions. Hint: you can filter by continent by clicking on the hamburger menu in the top left corner.

By Cities

Here is the list divided by cities. I usually have a travel guide for cities I’ve been to, which you can access here.

By Countries and Region

And here is the country list, in no particular order! Click through on each country to see the blog posts I have for those country!

  1. Indonesia
  2. Malaysia
  3. Singapore
  4. Brunei Darussalam
  5. Hong Kong
  6. China
  7. Taiwan
  8. Macau
  9. Cambodia
  10. Thailand
  11. Philippines
  12. Vietnam
  13. Japan
  14. India
  15. South Korea
  16. Myanmar
  1. Spain
  2. Italy & Vatican
  3. France
  4. Germany
  5. Austria
  6. Czech Republic
  7. Netherlands
  8. Belgium
  9. United Kingdom & Scotland
  10. Poland
  11. Hungary
  12. Ukraine
  1. South Africa
  2. Botswana
  3. Zimbabwe
  4. Morocco
North AmericaOceaniaMiddle East
  1. USA
  1. Australia
  2. New Zealand
  1. Jordan

Country Visited count: 36


  1. Hi Melissa

    I stumbled upon your blog while searching up on Nusa Penida. I really like how well travelled you are, and I am sure all the travelling has given you many new perspectives and experiences that couldn’t be gained anywhere else or otherwise! I am Singaporean but i haven’t found the courage to travel solo and im already turning 28 soon (very sheltered kiddo here). What would you tell your first-time-travelling-self back then? And what would you tell me in those shoes now?

    • Melissa says

      Hey KN, thanks for the kind words! I think if you intend to travel by yourself, pick an easy destination to start with. From Singapore, you can for example try to go to destinations where it is close to Singapore and English-friendly. I would recommend Bangkok, KL, or Bali. After that, if you feel confident you can branch out more. My first solo destination was Ho Chi Minh! Also, get a SIM data card or eSIM so you can always research things on the go. I think this is key for every travel.

  2. Susan says

    HI Melissa,

    Thanks for all of the post. I have lived in California USA for 36 years but i haven’t travel outside the country. I would like to visit Sinapore . Since you work and live there, what place do you recommend to go visit and eat and hotel. Thanks Susan

  3. Lucía says

    Hi, Melissa! I think it’s high time you visited Latin America. You’re missing the chance to experience cultures completely different from the ones you already know and to enjoy breathtaking landscapes. Besides, people in LA are innatly vivacious and friendly. I understand it is not the best advertised continent buy it is worth trying! All the best!

    • Melissa Hie says

      haha yeah, I want to! I haven’t been bc it’s not the easiest to get to from Singapore :/

  4. Have you climbed the Phikippines top peak MT apo? I do also travelling and completing the 81 provinces in the Philippines.

    Blessed Feet Travels

  5. Nicholas Nanos says

    Pity you haven’t visited either Toronto Canada, Montreal or Vancouver where the food is spectacular.

    • Melissa Hie says

      Yeah, I have not been back to North America since I left 8 years ago. Definitely want to visit Canada especially for your amazing nature!!

  6. sümeyye yıldız says

    hi melisse i discovered yor blog now! 🙂 do u wanna add a contry, too to your list 😉
    I invite you to TURKEY!!!
    if u think about that seriously plz contact with me

    • Melissa Hie says

      It’s hard, but if I have to choose I really loved Japan (I have been learning japanese since high school)

  7. Hello!
    I only wanted to tell you you’ve been a great inspiration on my Instagram pictures.
    I’m a 29 year Mexican girl, architect that works for IHG (intercontinental hotels group) I am a regional manager Property Improvements Architecture & Design for Mexico and Latin America. So of course I would be happy to send you a link to get family and friends rates for this brand hotels.(send me an email and I’ll send you the link back)
    So, I’ve travel almost all America (it’s missing Brazil), part of Europe, Part of Japan and Taiwan. On December I’m planning to do a master trip from Shanghai, then Bangkok, Phuket, Singapore and finally Sydney with my best friend. We both are food lovers and we love to travel. So any good recommendation I will be glad to hear and of course if you are around Singapore you may join us for a beer and we may convince you to come to Latin America.
    Well please follow me in Instagram I follow you for more than one year. My name in Instagram is @charolaiiss
    Thanks! 😊

    • Melissa Hie says

      Hi Carla, so sorry I missed this and for the late reply! Thank you for your kind words. I hope your travel to Asia was great!! How did you like Singapore?

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